Selasa, 15 September 2009


Harusnyaaaa hari ini hari ke-100 gue sama dia ,yaa tapi its all over ;''( dan akhirnya  I had to start a new life , oke sakit sih awalnyaa ya tapi this is my destiny mau gak mau semua harus dijalanin , I'm sure all this is a good idea for me and he and I believe God has given way for us ;)
I care about him, but his behavior makes me want to distance. I'm not sure all will go smoothly if I was always with him ;'''( please give me a good towards God .

Jumat, 11 September 2009

LOVE IS .......

Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang tidak dapat dipungkiri keadaannya . Jika ditutupi akan terasa sakit tetapi jika dibuka akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat di duga . Love can come anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances.Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya kehidupan , pergerakan cinta semakin luas dan cepat . Setiap orang pasti punya cinta and every person will give their love in love ;) .
Jika mengalami cinta yang menyakitkan akan menghasilkan luka yang sulit dihapus sungguh sangat-sangat sulit bagi mereka yang berperasaan lemah ,the pain will be felt long .Sebaliknya cinta yang harmonis will make them fly and feel the world belongs only to them oh so sweeeeet .

LOVE can make someone feel very happy with the surprise and the feeling of togetherness with love and beauty of love . AND LOVE can also make a prolonged illness, feel the trauma and gives a deep wound in our hearts so haunted by fear and be careful in taking steps .
so, dont establish a relationship with all your heart, use your brain to think and take steps in loving someone!

Rabu, 09 September 2009

We call it " Ban Bajaj"

because we are always three, we call it "Ban Bajaj" haha weird name but it can make us happy, always lots of things that we discussed all three, we joked with joy laughter without considering the time hehe

we used to go on Saturday, then to "Taman Menteng" and before we go back we always go to"Ropita" is the name of a place to eat at the regional roadside Cikini, we always have a special place there.

I always remember all the happy times with them

Oh God please forgive Me

I never thought that my life has turned into a bad thing. it all felt. fate slowly walked toward the bad and leave the good. I dont want all these things, but change the bad things into good it is very difficult, I didnt know how.

Oh God , give me your protection to the good road , which you have set , I was expecting !